Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's a boat!

Kudos to Rob who's e-bay prowess landed him this dandy of a sander which he was gracious enough to lend us:
Vacuum attachment allows for nearly dust free sanding:

Hungry for the paper:

Ready for another meal:

Shiny to dull in a flash!

Time to address the bad puzzle joint on the bottom panel.  After a few days contemplation & releasing it from time-out under the table it was not quite as bad as remembered.  Attacked it with the Fein on the inside until not quite through the veneer:

Through the veneer on the bottom fingers (looks like those fingers have fingernails!):

Flooded the top joint with barely thickened epoxy seems to have done the trick.

Drilling of the holes every 4" for the staples:

The making of the staples - add Opera music in background-:

Gluing transoms:

It's time to make a boat!:

The puzzle joints are starting to grow on us.:

A bulkhead with a mind of it's own took a great deal of strength & patience to wedge it in place.  Bad bulkhead.


Check back at Thanksgiving as Justin is off to Korea & Brianne has a full weekend schedule of sailing parties!

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